“We’ve lost our boy to repeat youth Offenders. The Queensland Government needs to take serious action on this issue now, before it’s too late for another family.”
- Ben Beaumont




I am writing to ask for your support in the campaign to stop Queensland’s youth crime wave.

In March 2020 our 15-year-old son Angus Beaumont was fatally stabbed in the heart after a knife was thrust 14cm into his chest, after he was attacked by two youths in Redcliffe.

We have been left heartbroken.

The two boys have now been jailed for murder, and this act of violence has seen one young life stolen and two lives pushed further into a broken system that failed to deter them from offending in the first place. Now these families are left behind to deal with the repercussions.

This senseless violence has to stop. We need to address the root causes of youth crime in our communities and provide support for our kids before another senseless tragedy occurs.

Please join me in supporting this campaign – because together, we can make a difference and take a stand for all Queensland families.

Ben Beaumont


The recent surge in youth crime and home break ins in Queensland is becoming an epidemic.

Queensland residents need to be aware of the issue and demand that the government take tangible action to address this problem.

Take action against escalating crime in Queensland by demanding major reforms.

If you are concerned about the level of youth crime in Queensland, then please sign this petition. We need to see the government take action on this issue, and there are a number of measures that can be taken to reduce youth crime.

It is time for the government to act on youth crime, and your signature can help make this happen. Please, add your name today to demand safer streets and happier homes.









share your story

"My son who’s 13 was assaulted at Indooroopilly shopping centre by 3 boys in the middle of the day with people everywhere for nothing . We have started pressing charges against these boys . Completely unprovoked nothing was said to them just came and grabbed them and hit and punched them and broke my sons rib."

Miranda Witt - 27-January-2023

"This happened to me last June while home alone. Two armed intruders crawled through a dog flap and stole many of my belongings as well as my car and all keys to the house and gates. I am still on sleeping tablets and still waiting on my insurance company to decide what to do about my car, almost 7 months after the event! My children are traumatised too, my son sleeps with a cricket bat every night. The intruders were juvenile repeat offenders."

Gabrielle - 27-January-2023

"My youngest son is now DEAD BECAUSE OF YOUTH JUSTICE. He went to court something like 27 times in front of the same incompetent Magistrate who let him off with the same word for word stern warning from the bench. This then got him in the habit of offending and re offending all because there were no consequences. He eventually did get locked up but by that time it was too late his Queensland state sanctioned criminal career was well established. He is now DEAD Killed in a stolen car off his head on drugs after breaking into a home and bashing the occupants. The Police were amazing they did everything that the could to assist him to get his life together and every time the stupid Magistrate would have some smart derogatory comment about the police or the way the Police had handled the situation. And then let him off. In my opinion the Queensland Courts have caused the youth problem but are too far up themselves to acknowledge that they could ever be wrong. It is time to hold the magistrates and judges accountable for their incompetence. Ashley Bergh"

Ashley Bergh - 27-January-2023

"I have been broken into twice now had my car stolen and major damage I had now insurance the perpetrators were caught with the car keys but nothing was done to them as far as I am aware one person was to appear in court but deferred as he had a funeral to go to"

Rhonda - 21-January-2023

"As per my multiple emails/letters to the government (and the magistrate at the time - Feb 2020) juveniles broke and entered into my home, stole 2 cars, over thousands of dollars in cash and clothes. My Neighbours helped us catch them the next night when they came back for more and they were armed with knives and tried to run us over with our car they stole. ! No restitution was given only a ‘sorry letter’ that I chose to reject receiving , no consequences for their offenses and I’m out of pocket over $30k. This doesn’t even touch the sides of the time spent on the phone to insurance, locksmiths and banks plus having to buy new cars as they wrote both off in hit n runs and let’s not measure the psychological trauma these juvenile terrorist acts have caused. I can’t wait for Oct 2024 election bc I know I am not alone in how apathetic this government is. I followed the letter of the law for justice not to be served. Next time I won’t hesitate to use reasonable force to defend myself and my property as this seems to be the only way their actions will be remedied."

Kerrie - 20-January-2023

"So sick of theft not feeling safe in my home not sleeping stressing if my family safe or going out to shops. The sickening feeling of no consequences for the disgraceful behaviours of youth the person that’s has their home invaded or possessions stolen its at no cost to the youths committing the crime. We are all struggling with Cost of living doesn’t give them the right to commit the crimes no matter what background they are. Scary times"

Dana - 20-January-2023

"My 80 neighbour had car keys and items in his bedroom stolen while he was asleep in his home in a retirement village. They took his car from the garage. Drugs were found in the recovered car and alcohol bottles in the our street. My gate had been opened and window screen twisted. Other neighbours had items stolen from a car and houses interfered with."

Bronwyn Moorton - 20-January-2023

"My car was stolen 10 years ago by my ex-boyfriend. He had got out of jail that morning. In Rockhampton I rang the police that night because of another issue and wanted him out of my house. He just walked around my house like he owned it and the police let him. He told the police his name was on the lease when it wasn't. He stole my keys while walking around my house. The police took him away and let him go. He came back while I was asleep and stole my handbag and my car that I only had for 2 weeks. So off he went back to jail. Last I heard he was back in jail again in protective custody. I was told he hurt a police officers family/friend. These scumbags that like to steal cars will probably keep getting away with it until a judge's family is hurt. Then maybe maybe they will do something . I think if you catch this scum that every single finger should be broken on both hands. Then these thieves would be easy to spot with there 2 broken hands. Just a thought"

Leonie - 20-January-2023

"Ransacked our verandahs. Took items . Had footage Slashed tyres. No footage. Over $800 to replace Both reported to police"

Bonnie - 20-January-2023

"Just want these mongrels off he streets or placed in prisons or other places. They also need to named and shamed. I was raised in Parramatta by my mother who lost her husband, from sickness caused by WW2. She raised my two older sisters, myself and my younger brother by her self. Things were tough , but the manner in which she raised us paid tribute to her. I was taught manners and respect and at 17 joined the military and served 7 months in Vietnam. I have two daughters and with the guidance. of my wife, they grew up great. So it can happen even with things in the way."

David Christie - 19-January-2023

"In a 1 block area where my family live, we have experienced drug use, theft and break ins, cars stolen, and a meth lab not 20 meters from our house. Not to mention the council housing next door which has parties that last days on end with no intervention from police, nor council inspections of the properties which are totally obscene with trash lying about, windows broken and general anti social behavior. Its clear there are not enough police to handle this issue, or the government is turning a blind eye in the hopes its all just magically goes away..."

Andrew Drysdale - 19-January-2023

"Sisters house was broken into just before Christmas. 2 nights later they returned for her car but luckily he was detected on security lights and camera so he gave up. They are now thousands out of pocket upgrading security and replacing doors that were kicked in. I’m sick and tired of decent hardworking people losing out to those who aren’t."

Leah - 19-January-2023

"We reside in Gladstone central qld and have watched youth crimes continue to get worst over the last couple of years, a lot of residents have now resorted to putting cameras around homes and properties to try and deter youth from stealing and vandalism , the laws that protect youth from heavy jail time are well outdated in Qld and need massive reforming unfortunately Qld government only acts when it needs too and only to be seen to be doing things through media channels when it’s to late, the time is now for change… do the crime do the time!! No matter the age, also parents should have more resources available to them to be able to discipline children for bad behaviour what gives government the rights to say if we smack our children it’s a form of abuse, when I was a child I never even thought of misbehaving as would have gotten a hiding same as my parents when they were children, I believe this is a big part as youth now know parents can’t act to punish them as youth protected by laws the Australian government has in place which is just wrong."

Douglas - 19-January-2023

"We have had an attempted break in on our family home and have had our business broken into twice the 2nd time was Christmas night, we have still not been able to secure our business correctly since due to delays in glass for repairs locally, it has cost us thousands in damages and increased insurance premiums due to claims for stolen / misused items. No wonder businesses just decide to close because it’s not worth the stress and the financial stress it causes ppl when they can just walk free and do it over and over again.. something needs to be done about these germs and their families."

Aimee - 18-January-2023

"We have lived at the same address for over thirty years with no break ins or trouble. In the last week we had three attempted break ins and had to install cameras. The offender was caught using the Vision from our cameras. Mount Isa used to be a safe and happy place to live and bring up our family. Now youth crime has taken over our city and nothing is being done to deter these repeat offenders."

Richard - 18-January-2023

"I'm a Security officer. I work at a local shopping centre , we stop kids as young as 8 fighting among themselves. They fight like adults and sometimes police are called where charges are laid but within a few days they're back fighting again."

Gregory - 18-January-2023

"You cant even walk down the Charlton Esplanade after dark without a good chance of being assaulted. BBQ area at the end of Bideford st & esplinard is a no go area due to violent & loud drunks harassing locals & tourists alike. Even on market days. Police constantly look the other way even while doing there 4 wheeler quad rounds through the park....Dont get me started on the meth epidemic.."

Alan - 18-January-2023

"My rural area used to be almost crime free, then new estates have sprung up, bringing crime to the area. We no longer feel safe in our homes. A street near the railway station has most homes broken into lately. It is a historical area with a lot of seniors, now fearing for their safety & well being. Enough is enough!!!"

Sandy - 17-January-2023

"10.30pm on 22/10/1922. House broken into. Husband asleep in bed, I'm down the back on the computer and didn't hear a thing. He leaves a bedside light on for me, so they had a ball. Safe (in dressing room) opened, but empty. Bags taken; Piggy bank full of 10c; Bowls & Bag taken as well. 2 Phones and husband's wallet 2 sets car keys. I heard the car start and ran out only to see the car going up the road. It was finally ditched on Yarrabah Rd. When we finally got to see the car - cut a long story short, the inside roof was tagged. Every panel had been damaged & also tagged. Took 7 weeks for the insurers to write it off. as they had damaged the navigation system and too expensive to replace. The one thing that really has annoyed me NO word from Police since. They surely would have known the tagging."

Eleanor Elizabeth Norman - 16-January-2023

"I recently have been broken into, about 2 weeks ago now. I had no idea anything happened until I woke up for work at 6am to see on my security camera that at 5:44 am someone had broken into my car and attempted to get into our house. This house is my home, my safe place, I do no longer feel safe in my own home which is saddening. Always having the fear of someone being inside my home or taking extra precautions is ridiculous. I have added extra locks to each and every window and door in our house which I have to adjust every night to open and close them. Youth crime scares me, I am scared to go to the local shopping centre let alone get out of my car on the streets. Something needs to be done"

Taleah - 16-January-2023

"I believe that a detention camp should be set up way out west, not close to any towns. It should be run on similar grounds as a when you join the army, alot of the exercises that the young cadets have to go through early mornings and afternoon, through the day working the field either live stock or agriculture. I believe there is something similar to this in the Northern Territory and it is a success with the right people running it. It is absolutely no use leaving these youths in a community where they disrespect and have negative influences. I also believe that the parents should be held more responsible for the actions of their children and be accountable for the cost of damages etc It sickens me that the way Labour State Govt that have taken such a "NOT RESPONIBLE" attitude and have a more definite attitude to taken stronger steps. These kids are involved in serious crimes, affecting a lot of peoples lives, physically, mentally, and especially financially. Maybe all the people who are effected by these crimes should send in to the Govt a Invoice for all the expenses that has incurred by these crimes and the Govt is held liable to pay for everyone of them, then they can pass it onto these kids Parents to reimburse the Govt."

Lynn - 16-January-2023

"We were broke into while we slept. Our dogs woke us. Your and car keys had been taken. Our dogs are very little but now bark at anyone and everyone that comes to the home. My husband sleeps with a steel bar beside his bed. We are in our 70s"

Colleen Thompson - 16-January-2023

"I was living in Toowoomba when I had my car stolen 3 times by the same 16 year old who is very well known to Toowoomba police and yet he’s still allowed to roam free. The final time that my car was stolen I was abducted, assaulted and held hostage by this person and 6 others and they tried to kill me. When is enough, enough?"

Anonymous - 16-January-2023

"I had a parcel stolen from my letterbox, it was on in the box for no more than 2 hours and when my carer checked it was gone."

Reg - 16-January-2023

"Sadly youth are out of control & the law allows them to get away with most things . It's time tihe law changed to make the crime pay the time not just a slap on the wrist isn't satisfactory , give parents back control of punishment & things may change but it's not going to happen over night."

Marlene Owen - 16-January-2023

"We have been residents of Witt street for 26 years. It has only been in the last 4 years that we have been robbed on 6 occasions now. The last was in October 2022 where we lost just on $10 000 worth of jewellery and collectables. The investigating police officer advised that they know who the criminal was but every time they get him in court the system just allows him to walk free. We have seen this individual again on the Sprung face book page where other residents have him on video with watches from other robberies. The authorities need to take greater action ."

Steven - 16-January-2023

"Some PRICKS walked into my home and stole my wallet all my licences and tickets, bow & arrows, torch, binoculars, knife and my Mercedes. If the government cannot take care of business, WE WILL HAVE TO DO IT OURSELVES !"

Mr Lance - 16-January-2023

"With all this crime everywhere this needs to be stopped before the community loose their lives or get hurt something needs to be done."

Sue - 15-January-2023

"My daughter's car was stolen. They broke in and stole the keys right beside where my daughter and partner were sleeping. Along with phone, wallet and other items. Of course nothing happened to them they were juveniles."

Edith - 15-January-2023

"We have numerous robbery’s at home. Latest on Dec16 at 6 am, when 2 thieves in a stolen SUV tried to gain entry to our home to steal our vehicles. Fortunately my neighbour screamed & chased them. I have cctv footage if it’s needed"

Moonira - 15-January-2023

"Unit broken into on 15/1/2023 while we slept. Handbags and my car was stolen. I’m 61 and I am a carer for my elderly mum who 83. At the moment I have nothing. No identification, no car and my debit cards are locked so the thieves can’t use them."

Kellie McDonaugh - 15-January-2023

"Sold our home & put our furniture in storage until new home in retirement village is ready, so we are staying with family in Victoria only to be told the storage unit we are paying for has been broken into, so until we come back to QLD we won't know what's been stolen so feeling pretty upset with the QLD laws & the mongrels breaking & entering."

Raymond neil horan - 15-January-2023

"My car was stolen at least nearly one or 2 cars are stolen each night in rockhampton please make a change"

Terence - 15-January-2023

"Have had our boat stolen from our home Helensvale , the Police are trying there best , but the criminals know when the cameras are changed and also most don’t care as there is NO Punishment , they walk away laughing at the Law . It’s time to make the thieves realise there is Consequences to there actions take there CentreLink payments of them , going into care doesn’t help them they come out knowing more . We need ACTION make them pay for our insurance excess and damages."

Linda Poulton - 15-January-2023

"My kids and I have been left homeless with the harrassment and torment from repeat offenders and DV. We suffered for near on a year before I finally decided it unsafe to return home"

Vicki - 14-January-2023

"My 13 year old niece who resides with us went to Pacific Fair with a "friend "for her 1st time and was attacked and physically assaulted. Thos was videoed and it went viral on the net. My niece now suffers other bullying and is afraid to even go to local schools? or shops, as she still continues to be bullied and it affects her mentally. Police said the abuser has done it before and continues to get away with it. But the affects of this assault have lifelong consequences to my niece. I'm sorry but donot want it shared as every teenager on the G.C. knows about it and has seen the video. It would just make life worse for my niece to advertise it again."

Donna - 14-January-2023

"Break ins /Car stealing /breaking into homes while we sleep You just feel unsafe in your own home! Knowing that we have people wondering around our suburbs and invading our privacy and they think they are in entitled to do it! We need a 24/7 Police Station here in Yeppoon! The laws have to change to stamp out youth crime! Bring the offenders parents in to make them accountable for their child’s crim!e!"

Robyn Bussenschutt - 14-January-2023

"put a stop to youth crime.people have had enough.how many innocents must die before u act.stop being a COWARD man up or resign your job.u r not doing what u were voted in for"

henry james - 14-January-2023

"Dear Adrian, My wife & I are sick of hearing of the ongoing crime wave in Hervey Bay. We are elderly & are scared to now walk the streets at night. We recently had more items Stolen from our yard. Cars & break & enters are happening Daily and the Lack of Police in our area to meet the growing demand is a farce. We have had to ring police when we were threatened at our front door and pice said "go inside & lock the doors & we will be around soon!!!. Approx. 2 hours later they turn up. Not their fault, they have No staff to keep up with all the crimebeing committed in the Bay. Please get off your backside & do something NOW. Tell the asst. Premier to stop slinging ppl B. S. & admit Repeat offenders are having an ongoing Free run."

Philip - 13-January-2023

"There is so much crime in Toowoomba. I have seen car loads of kids/young adults be dropped off to start a a run of searching cars down my street and nearby streets at night. I don't feel safe anymore in this town. They're just repeating their crimes again as they know nothing serious gets done. Our local shops have had robberies, stabbings attempted hijackings with weapons to the elderly. Young kids are sitting at the shops getting high off deodorant cans they've just stolen and then stealing cars. I don't want to leave the house anymore and also at the same time don't feel safe in my home. Innocent average Australians should not have to live this way. Laws need to be changed. Police do a great job but the justice system is not backing them enough it's a joke."

Stacey - 13-January-2023

"Youths recently set off the fire alarm in our apartment complex. This causes the entire complex to e evacuate at 2.30Whenam, including many elderly and infirmed residents. I confronted the youths and was threatened with a machete. What is a child doing carrying a machete in the Tsv CBD at 2.30 am ? Are we a 3rd world country now ?"

Glenn - 13-January-2023

"Got broken into at 6:30am in the morning, stole new car keys, damaged screen doors were armed. All while we were asleep, wife woke up and lucky they were just going out back door. 30 seconds earlier who knows. $1000s out of pocket with the security we have had to install. Kids to scared to sleep in there own beds. And myself and wife haven’t slept a full Night since."

Darren Toohey - 13-January-2023

"My car trailer was stolen from my house that we can’t live in as it was flooded and this happened while I was in hospital and l still haven’t found it. It’s time these thieves are made to pay with jail time for what they are doing to every person that obeys the laws"

Jennie - 12-January-2023

"Stolen car ran into my front fence on 9.01.23"

Cherylin - 12-January-2023

"On the 01/01/23, my now ex stepdaughter was being loud in her room so I asked her father to ask her to be quite. She did not like that and started carring on. Her father asked her to leave she said no. I told her I had enough of how she treated her father. The next morning she was sitting on the stairs holding a knife running her fingers up and down the blade while staring at me instantly. I yelled our to her father that she had a knife. Her father asked what is she doing with the knife she said I'm going to stab her. We rang the police they came I was told because this is the first time she has ever done anything like this she will only be cautioned. She told the social worker that she wanted to kill me. I am absolutely terrified what she could do next. She is 16 she steals takes drugs drinks hangs out with the wrong crowd. What is it going to take to get these kids off our streets."

Rose - 12-January-2023

"Parents need to parent there kids. Maybe the government should start a discipline school or camp for them demanded by the court system but or dear the do gooders would not allow it."

Gwen - 12-January-2023

"I live in Pimpama, i have had 2 sets of work boots and a mower stolen from my front door. We have had our rubbish bins kicked over. And 2 young guys also robbed, my partners iphone in broad daylight. We even have the name and facebook page of the guy who stole it. The fact that police can never help and we are not allowed to defend ourselves from youths is just broken. One day someone will.."

Benjamin Wilson - 12-January-2023

"My car was stolen, used in fuel theft and armed hold up and ferried other kids around Townsville to break and enters and steal more cars. Personal cost to me is so far at $10 000 and counting to repair the damage they did. I had no insurance as insurance us too expensive these days. 4 youths were eventually caught after police deployed spikes on it. Stopping it and arresting the youths. They did this because it was reported they had guns in the car and pointed them at cars at traffic lights through the night. All 4 were released within days of being caught. And reoffended that day . This has to stop or the people are going to start taking action for themselves. Like I am!"

Ben - 12-January-2023

"Diesel, cars, quad bikes, tools regularly stollen in our area. Last year they rammed the gates of the business just up the road from us and stole a ute, this resulted in locals and police chasing the vehicle as the car had a tracker on it.....they got away!"

Tina - 12-January-2023

"Only 2 weeks ago some youths tried to break into our house. Front security door bent and door knob squashed and broken off. Luckily we had a dead lock system and they couldn’t break it. We are now waiting on insurance to see what they want to do? We have to put up the first $500.00 and not sure if it is more or lees than this amount. We will wait and see. It just pisses me of that these little pricks get away with this crap. Mybe the parents need to be held accountable for these little pricks. Regards Ricky"

Ricky Argaet - 12-January-2023

"I worked as a youth worker and I was assaulted by the young person who assaulted me with a fire extinguisher.....I had been suffering headaches from then ....I was put on stress leave for 6 weeks. Changed companies but still doing the same thing. March 2022 had mini stroke. It was discovered I had shattered discs in my neck pressing on spinal cord. Got to see surgeon eventually and July 7 2022 had spinal surgery. C5,6,7 fused , bone graft and artificial discs placed. I am walking again but has left me unable to do things. The young person was charged but let off. He ruined my life as we now have used my super to pay medical expenses, can't work, can't get help from centreline, only just making house payments but can't live so to speak...my car was stolen 6 weeks after the assault which I have been told the young person had somehow been involved because I pressed charges. He is still out in the community doing crimes and all he was ordered to do was to write me a letter telling me how sorry he was and as far as youth justice was concerned the matter is now finalised...obviously my life does not matter...."

Julie Knight - 11-January-2023

"Our house was entered and the keys to both our cars were taken. My car was stolen and had to be written off by our insurance company. My husband’s keys were found in my car and we were lucky to have some transport at least. About 1000 dollars of equipment, clothes and shoes were stolen from my car. A 17 year old boy and a 13 year old girl were charged. I was not allowed to learn their names although they entered our home and broke our hearts. We wear keys around our necks to lock the security doors behind us as we move around our home and yard. We have installed two security cameras and security meshed all the windows. All these events happened on a Saturday morning. They entered our house at 10am while we unloaded our car after a trip to the Farmers’ Markets. The Ute was wrecked while we were going to a garage sale. Five months later my new car arrived from overseas and we were delighted. However, a stolen car ploughed into our Ute and it is still waiting for repair. The 27 year old male driver was full of meth. We are so frustrated that our lovely retirement home was invaded."

Diana - 11-January-2023

"They have tried twice to break into our home.Have both on video."

Kevin - 11-January-2023

"My car was stolen and trashed. I heard a noise at the door and thought it was a dog or cat. I opened the door and there were two kids trying to break in. I screamed and they ran. They had taken my little runabout car and hid it down the street and decided to come back to look for the keys to our car in the garage. After taking my car, they got petrol and drive off. When my car was no longer driveable they stole a farmers 4wd. This all happened on Dec. 20th. They were caught and taken into custody to go to court. Yesterday, Jan 11th, I saw one of them walking past my house. So they are out planning their next job. I'm 75 and worry that they are going to come back and try to get in the house to get keys to our garaged car or vandalize the house/garden. The courts need to give tough sentences. I was told by police that these kids had over 20 charges against them. I question what their punishment was, if any."

Sheila - 11-January-2023

"We were subject to a home break in while asleep upstairs and car theft and after insurance payout, we were out of pocket about $12,000. My 11 year old son is still traumatised and will not go downstairs at nite. I have contacted all 3 levels of Government plus Police. Only concrete ideas are from Warren Entsch and Bob Katter ( Work camps in the bush!"

Forbes - 08-January-2023

"We have the Rebels Bikie Club living in our street. Driven out of an industrial area by the Newman Government some years ago. How is it possible that such an organization is permitted to hole up in a residential area? The cops have raided them twice! They have a youth gang. This gang has been breaking in a stealing property!"

Christopher - 07-January-2023

"On 11 th December 2018 I was gang bashed,I was thrown through the air landing on the road unconscious then this 17 year old boy dragged me up my street,I was held down and bashed by numerous boys n men, then they layed me flat on the grass and held a huge boulder rock over my head and were going to kill me with it.they only stopped because a 4 wheel drive came up onto the grass near where I was being held and scared them off me.i was taken to hospital with head injuries. The police believed the crazy story these boys told them when interviewed that I was a crazy woman and that I had attacked them.the police charged me with assault, I had to represent myself at court when I was the victim, these boys and their families bullied n harassed my family for months, the charges against me were dropped by the prosecution but no-one has been charged, the boy who dragged me up the street was only 17 when he did this and the cops believed his mum who was covering for him.to this day there are over 20 teenagers and even more adults that got away with attempted murder, even though there are witnesses that seen what happened, cops let this go and none of them have been punished, they have moved but I own my house and they still know where I live so I'm always in fear of my life"

Rebecca - 06-January-2023

"My Mum was broken into three years ago while she was sleeping . She kept her bag, keys safe in her room as advised. They stood beside her while she was sleeping going through her purse to find the Visa card they took. She was woken up by phone call from police saying her car had been stolen. We have bolts on screen doors and wooden doors and cameras outside plus dogs. Mum is still affected and paranoid always checking when hearing noises and having trouble sleeping at night. There has been an attempted break in late 2022 but we caught them due to odd hours we keep. The police looked at footage snd said yes we know who the are. We were left to pay for damage they did to door and it’s not fair. We are afraid to go out to the shopping centres, we feel unsafe in our yard gardening. Everyone who has influence in the community seems to ignore all the issues and go home to their lovely homes that are secure and they feel safe. What will it take for community to be able to feel safe again."

Shani - 03-January-2023

"In the last 10 years I have been fortunate, I have had 2 attempted breakins, only 1 car has been stolen from the unit complex where I live, however I personally have family members, several friends and several work colleagues (back before my retirement) who have had breakins/cars stolen. The fear is very real. In the 10 years before that I was aware that theft, joy-riding, etc were happening but I personally didn't know of any that disadvantaged my acquaintances/friends/family. 10 years before that, I didn't nedessarily need to lick the doors or take the keys out of the cars. The consequences in this day and age are not working. The criminals are the protected ones and law abiding citizens are paying heavily (financially and emotionally). OUR USELESS SYSTEM NEEDS A TOTAL OVERHAUL."

Leslie - 03-January-2023

"Dear Mr Whiting, recent events involving youth crime in North Lakes QLD has seen a life of an innocent mother lost after teenagers burglars entered her home unlawfully armed with a dangerous weapon (knife). While protecting her family and property she was stabbed and killed by one of the youths who already had prior criminal history of causing injury with a deadly weapon. Now, if this scenario doesn't call for action and reform of the youth legal justice system, then I don't know what does. It is time for you to take action and be the voice for the people who elected you to represent them in the political forum. Please help your/our community feel safe again."

Alex - 02-January-2023

"A dear friend who I care for had a home invasion only last week, she is 75, alone and her front door was busted open as well as her kitchen window smashed. This happened at 1am. I’m sick of the youths who think they have the right to intimidate people. People who can make change stop sitting on your hands. Crime is out of control."

Tracey - 02-January-2023

"A number of houses within 1 block of where we live have been broken into at night by children, just to unlock front doors for older teens to come in whilst the elderly people are sleeping and steal their car keys and money off the table beside their bed. We have been lucky so far, but l have a lot of sleepless nights. l will arm myself and l will defend my home!"

Andrew - 02-January-2023

"Labrador is very well known for crimes . Sometimes I think the culprits live in this suburb Have been here for many yrs and it doesn't get any better . We need change . Feeling unsafe inside and outside my home ."

Desmay - 02-January-2023

"Car window smashed, other car broken into, attempted break and enter, have been back but took off when alarm went off, across the road ( Elderly ) neighbours car stolen, burnt out, next door neighbours broken into twice , their wallet found by Police empty, in our front garden, im now very frightened at night and sick of being a Prisioner in my own home................."

Marie - 02-January-2023

"My son was jumped and had his head stomped on while he was unconscious by 4 men 2 of them were youths. They held my sons friends at knife point while they tried to beat my son to death. This happened at 4.00pm in the middle of the day. Charges were pressed cause it was caught on video, but the perpetrators got a slap on the wrist. Something needs to be done. These perpetrators were already on bail for another violent assault. The Gold Coast was once a safe fun place. Not anymore. Youth crime is out of control and is turning the GC into a hell hole. There must be harsher penalties for serious assaults. When there is no consequences, how are these kids meant to learn."

Faith Green - 02-January-2023

"My property is fenced with automatic gates and still a young male person managed to appear outside my door one night. Fortunately he took off when he saw me watching him but what if he hadn't?. It could have ended differently if i had approached him but it certainly made me very apprehensive. I am a 74 year old female, live on my own, and am now frightened to go to sleep in the dark. When will something be done to deter these young people from the life of crime they are now leading?"

Lin - 02-January-2023

"Dear Mike I've lived in Cairns for over 45 years, when I moved hear I could sleep with my windows open now I sleep with every window and door protected by crimsafe and with a donga( wooden curtain rod) beside my bed, I xheck my garage every morning to see if my hard earned car is there or anything else I keep there. At night if there's a movement on my veranda I'm up checking it out, it's like living on edge 24/7 You can't relax and feel safe in your own home, or drive around Cairns and know your going to get home safe. Time for instant consequences to be inforced, believe me it's not these kids first offence when they get caught just the first time they have been caught doing what they get caught doing"

Jayne Parker - 02-January-2023

"Observing the crime going on and cars being broken into and these young offenders keep on driving ing these crimes in our society & it has to stop now ."

Wayne Taylor - 02-January-2023

"Started 22 December 2020 my home was invaded & car stolen. No police showed up either. I've had abuse from neighbours because I rang police. Family got moved but continued to harass me. Now a new breed of youths & adult crimes moved in. I've had bottles smashed in yard where my son plays, physically threatened, windscreen on car repeatedly smashed, eggs & oranges thrown at place. I'm a single mum with an 11yr old autistic child, we live in fear daily. Lots goes on & police don't seem to care. Nobody does, all I want is a safe place to live with my son."

Marilyn baumann - 01-January-2023

"I live In redbank plains where I regularly see young people riding unregistered dirt bikes without helmets on local and main roads in a unsafe manner either on back wheel or into oncoming traffic, running red lights, on and off footpaths with little or no regard for others. I've contacted police on many occasions where I'm told they are unable to do anything and to go online to report the incident. I feel this response is unacceptable and more needs to be done. This is just one of many issues I face almost daily within my local area"

Chris - 01-January-2023

"In November 2020 I was assaulted at midday in a park walking from Stockland shopping centre. I was outside my drs when it happened and a dr was coming back from lunch and ran to help me. So did a security guard from theCOVID clinic and a lady from the tattoo removal place. He ran off without getting my bag but pushed me over and fractured my shoulder. The dr told me he could identify him if needed. He was never questioned by police. I now understand why as it takes a lot of time to do something and he would have been let off with a slap on the wrist."

Suzanne - 01-January-2023

"Two weeks ago at around 10am on a weekday I was at home alone when I heard somebody knocking on the front door. My little dog was going off - trying to let me know someone was out the front. I was unwell and just coming out of the bathroom and didn't manage to get out of the bathroom before the knocking stopped. I wasn't concerned because I hadn't been expecting anybody but as I was coming down the hallway toward the front door I found myself looking at, through the glass panel in the door, a couple of teenage boys around 17 yo at a guess - one of them had a hammer raised ready to smash the glass panel. As soon as he spotted me they both bolted. Had I been 10 seconds longer in the bathroom I would have come out to a couple of young scumbags in my house. I know that I got lucky - especially in view of what happened to that poor woman and her family in Northlakes this week - but I was rattled at the time and remain kind of hyperalert. I hate feeling like this in my own home. I'm an older, single woman and have NEVER felt more vulnerable. Watching the news or looking on social media any day of the week tells you that there is a PLAGUE of teenage criminal activity these days. We can no longer just sit back and only hope that things will get better - we have to FORCE the authorities to do whatever it takes to curb the growing violence at the hands of teenagers who are never punished suitably for the pain and suffering they inflict."

April Anderson - 31-December-2022

"2 young boys attempted to break into my home about 8 weeks ago. Scary because it was only about 830 at night. I scared them off and they took off. Wouldve only been about 12 or 13 years old."

Krystle - 31-December-2022

"Resident of Cedar Creek Falls Road Tamborine Mountain Illegal activities on park and surrounds Hooning public drinking Illegal parking"

Lyndell - 31-December-2022

"During the 2011 flood, not only did I loose 2 close friends who drowned, I was robbed of anything valuable. I could not believe anyone would act so low. While i was in Hospital with an infected hand the low life people returned and stole more items."

Gary Lobley - 31-December-2022

"Dear minister. We live in Inala for 4 years. We have been lucky enough not to be impacted by crime, although many of our beautiful neighbours weren't as lucky as us. My dear neighbour that owns a nail salon was broken into from my yard! And her cash was stolen from her. I witnessed with my own eyes how a teenager breaks a window of the car parked infront of my house and steals a bag. I also witnessed few teenagers climb my neighbours fence. Later on found out they took a TV and were caught by the police. One night we've heard a woman screams for help, my husband went out and saw a man actively harassing her. He scared him away and the lady ran away but the man came over to our fence and threatened to come back and hurt us. My neighbour from across the road is beating his wife on a regular basis. We called the police on him few times but he still does it. We love living in Inala but this is a real issue we need to be addressed to make us feel safer."

Dina Guralnek - 31-December-2022

"They came into my 83 years young mother's room while she slept and stole her bag, her rings, her car and her confidence. I am so angry. I am tired of living in a home that has to be locked up like a fortress."

Shelley - 31-December-2022

"Over 55 visits from police and forensics and no conviction. 1 breach of peace and good behavior order acted on. Several other breaches, they just let go. The perpetrator told us (quote) you don't know who is behind me. Interestingly a meeting with police after this said (quote) we know all our customers. Let's just say if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it probably is Clear photos of related kids trespassing"

Mal - 31-December-2022

"My house was broken into just before Easter holiday and i was traumatized by the scene and feeling unsafe in my own home. I lost my dog because they left my garden gate open and my dog ran away. It's a horrible experience. Action has to be taken!"

Sijia - 31-December-2022

"i was at southport court house i was on a jury out the front on a break this little guy came out of court just been fined $100for stealing a car his mate laughed and gave him something the guy went straight across the road to the carpark stole another car drove out the front of the court house his mate jumped into the cat and said to me they were goung home to logan these kids know they are untouchable with the current laws and will keep on doing this"

kerry riseley - 31-December-2022

"Time to take a stance against youth crime. Enough is enough"

Darilyn - 31-December-2022

"A neighbour in our street was broken into a few months ago. They picked their lock and entered their home whilst they slept! They stole both cars. They managed to get one back that had a tracker inside. Since hearing about Emma Lovell (RIP) I have been anxious to go out and feel like I'm looking over my shoulder around youths in the community. How long will governments let this go on before another innocent person dies!? Imagine if it was your family!"

Anthea - 31-December-2022

"Theft of neighbour’s motor vehicles, break and enter, vandalism. I have now secured our house with CrimSafe security doors and windows which cost over $15,000 to help prevent home invasion and theft."

Michelle - 31-December-2022

"Broke into my home 2 days before Christmas and took all the presents and cash ,something needs to be done Now to stop these kids have broken into other units here as well"

Kerrie - 31-December-2022

"I live in a townhouse complex in Capalaba. We have received 2 break ins which the police believe are juveniles. One kf the break ins involved kicking in a front door. I am a single woman with a young child & I do not feel safe in my own home. I am installing security cameras in the hope it deters intruders. Enough is enough! Something had to be done to protect the community."

Lisa - 31-December-2022

"My sisters car was stolen today by 10-13 year olds on drugs, it was my sisters first night in her new home and now she feels so unsafe. Who deserves to feel like that in their own home let alone new one. The car was found hooning around and my gfs brother had to do a citizen arrest himself. I have seen how many cars are stolen in my own estate on cameras and break ins. It’s out of control. After seeing what happened to jack Beasley and meeting his lovely dad and seeing what he has had to go thru and Emma being killed in her own home. This needs to stop! Now everyone is so scared to be in their own home. Why because kids get away with a slap on the wrists so now they think they are invincible. We need to make this stop !"

Lana - 30-December-2022

"At 2am my house was broken into by some kids and their mum, a few weeks later they came back to try again causing more damage to my house. The police did a great job and eventually they were caught, but by then they had already caused me to have anxiety. They were all out on the street within 24 hours and robbed another house a few days later."

Jay - 30-December-2022

"My teenage son was assaulted, with a metal pole (to the head/neck) during a violent home invasion, in 2020. He did NOT know the young offender (17 yrs), who was high on ICE at the time of the offence. The young offender filmed the incident (on his mobile) for social media. My son now has PTSD and rarely leaves the house. It has affected all our lives. The police tracked down the young offender and he was charged with: *Assaults occasioning Bodily Harm Whilst Armed/In Company. AND *Enter Dwelling and Commit Indictable Offence. The young offender was already 'known to police' and he had previous serious assault charges. However, he was only given a 'Restorative Justice Order' for the offences against my son, which he laughed at!! If he was 6 months older (at time of offence), he would have been an adult and received a lengthy jail sentence. Instead he was able to walk away and most likely reoffend. THE GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO ADDRESS THE YOUTH CRIME PROBLEM ASAP, both with preventive measures (so they don't offend in the first place) and tougher penalties - especially for repeat offenders. Youth Detention Centres (YDC) don't do anything. It seems these young offenders just learn more skills, while in YDC, to commit further crimes. Something needs to change. Perhaps compulsory time in the outback (far from township, family/friends, internet, etc) where they are taught respect, responsibility and valuable life skills. Australians should be able to feel safe in their own neighbourhood."

Mandilee - 30-December-2022

"We have had multiple incidents with youth crime. *2 teenagers trying to break into our home, attempted through the front door and then our roof. * 3 teenagers trying to break into our cars out the front of our home. * 3 teenagers at my garage kicking it as well as attempting our front door, kicked in our mail box and ripped off a fly screen, we let our dog out and they ran away. * a couple of teenagers jumping over our fences looking in everyone’s houses. * a group of teenagers walking around with knifes, bats looking in our cars up and down the street. This crap needs to stop, it’s unsafe for everyone. People are losing there lives, there hard earn belongings and there freedom to be safe in there own homes! The community will take matters into there own hands as the system won’t. Not only do the youth get a slap on the wrist and let free but the hard working people who also have children, elderly and are decent humans get the crap end of the stick and charged if we defend our home and family! Enough is enough!"

Tegan - 30-December-2022

"In March 2022, I left my 15yo daughter home alone while going to an appointment. A young man came to our door, (lucky i had the ring door camera, which i could talk thru and see him) he claimed he was looking for his dog, but while waiting for me to answer i watched him call a mate on his phone telling him they were good to go, so after i spoke thru the Ring Camera he left my home, my daughter was watching thru the window, i got home asap asked my neighbours if this boy had knocked on their door and no one had. So i called the police regarding suspicious activity. No one came to view the video i had on our home security cameras and the front door Ring Camera. An hour later the same boy and his friend robbed a nurse from caboolture hospital taking her car and effects while she was in hospital with her dieing husband. This boys photo was posted on FB and it was the same boy who came to our home an hour before. I called the police again to inform them and again nothing. It took me and my husband (we are both Veterans) less than 24 hrs to find out who this boy was and where he lived by talking to others in our community. We found out this boy has been known to Police since he was 13 yo and yet hes still out there doing the same thing destroying other peoples lives. I simply cant imagine what these two teen boys would have done if they had of got into our home with our then 15 yo daughter home alone. We now take no chances with this happening again. We will protect ourselves when Police wont. I talked to local police and submitted an online report and to this day no police officer ever came to take our video of this boy at our home. Enough is enough"

Andrea - 30-December-2022

"Car break in this week during the day while owners at home. Thieves active in the area."

Janet - 30-December-2022

"we were broken into january 2021 while we slept. took our phones, ipads, christmas gifts, alcohol and car. car was stripped of our personal itmes and later involved in crash into 4 other stationary vehicles. 4 youth 13, 13, 14 & 19 nil court outcome. Police were fabulous but court a waste of time. insurance paid out but over $10 k out of pocket and no car for 3 months...."

andie - 30-December-2022

"Our suburb and estate in the north side of Brisbane are constantly being harassed by these criminals. A number of houses in our estate have been broken into and cars stolen. Last night thieves were in our street checking car doors etc. This is not good enough. We demand action. The Qld govt. and justice system are playing a numbers game with the regular citizens lives by allowing this to get to the out of control state that it is currently in. The police are doing their job, we need the government and the justice system to do theirs. Lock up the criminals and protect the everyday people. I’m sick of not feeling safe in my own home at the expense of a small number of youth offenders . Not good enough . We the people of QLD and Australia demand something is done to make us safe in our own homes."

Tom Lavender - 30-December-2022

"Constantly we read about crime in the Nerang and Carrara areas with car break-ins, car theft, invasion of homes, excessive speeding/hooning then disappearing before police arrive. Alison Road, Pappas Way are areas often targeted and people's stories shared on social media. We DO NOT want crimes that result in stabbings, violence and deaths such as the young 41 year old mum who was brutally and viciously murdered in front of her children in her own front yard and the man in Ligan who also became victim to a stabbing home invasion. Anastacia is correct. The lawyers who disagree are not! Help us feel safer in our community."

Judy Berry - 30-December-2022

"I was the victim of a break and enter and car theft with a total write off claim in March 2022. It cost me a lot emotionally and you cannot underestimate the emotional trauma and financial hardship it created in my life over the next 10 months. The kid who did it, was a repeat offender who did it for thrills with no consideration of the impact it has on feelings of personal safety and security. It has to stop, these kids are ruining peoples lives."

Phoebe blundell - 30-December-2022

"Myself and my family have had our car stolen under our noses while we slept, numerous break in attempts after Mutiple reports to police and many sleepless nights, it’s not ok that these young people have no regard for others and feel they are entitled to take from people already struggling and just get a slap on the wrist is ridiculous! The fact that this has been an ongoing problem for months and it takes a young mother to be stabbed to death for anything to thought about being done is disgusting!"

Hannah Craig - 30-December-2022

"My daughter house has been broken into twice in Bentley Park , last time they stole a car - has been going on too long - everyone is scared in their own house -so glad I don’t live there anymore and they do not eithet"

Karen - 30-December-2022

"My home was broken into during the day when I was home. I found the asshole in a bedroom going through drawers. He was abusive towards me. It took 12 months for anything to happen in court because it kept getting postponed. I spent thousands on therapy and security over 2 years to try and feel safe in my home. I still have bad anxiety and it has affected my ability to go into the office and have been working from home. 12 months in jail and he's out free to keep harassing people."

Natasha Carroll - 30-December-2022

"Received a copy of the State Gov Minister’s response to the previous petition stating there is not a problem in the FNQ. What is it going to take for the government of QLD and local members to do something? The police are doing an amazing job but their hands are tied, how awful that perpetrators of violence, assault and other heinous crimes are allowed to continue their rampage with impunity whilst law abiding citizens and law enforcement are powerless all due to the stance of state government. Shame on you minister"

Elizabeth Botha - 30-December-2022

"Had a motorcycle stolen while I slept"

Thelma - 30-December-2022

"Huge amount of crimes In ligan reserve police said they would be increasing oatrols and this never happened. Break in and stolen car is a daily thing"

Pablo - 30-December-2022

"Dear Minister Please help ............... I had my 14 yr old daughter attacked by a 41 yr old woman whom had her 14yr old daughter bash mine all was filmed and put up on social media, all out side the high school, after this woman entered the school causing a shut down, school pressed charges so did I, police dropped charges as not enough everdence was there reason, still being provoked by this woman and her daughter, police do nothing... as it involves a minor I am told, follows my daughter and her friends in her car, what else can we do to protect our children. Logan police do nothing ....... have and use every excuse known to the book. A fraud of taxpayers money."

Rachael - 30-December-2022

"Hello youth crime has gone throw the roof and it is scary for my wife to catch public transportation now. I have a plan if anyone will use it. The plan is to make the biggest jail town in the centre of Australia with no town for days. This jail town will provide work and food that the criminals have to do them self as it's not free to feed them or there cell but by having this system they are fare away from civilians and gives structure to criminal rehabilitation and if crime happens there well they are there so longer sentence but this jail town should have a land size of 150 football fields or bigger and with wall and wire fence and 24hour surveillance patrols as well as if anyone Xscape they would be shoot on site this is what needs to happen get these criminals fare away from from public. Crime that follows Stealing cars 10years Murder 40years Other crimes as well know these crimes should not be permitted any bail at all to sow that crime is not tolerate anyway that's my plan there is more but to long to right."

Remington - 30-December-2022

"My car has been broken into several times tools stolen my wife's car was parked in the street whilst I mowed the lawn it was ransacked I let a friend rent a room they wanted to steel his car and tried to enter by pulling the screen off the window but it woke me up I've recently finished putting a six foot fence and sliding gate pluss cameras it hasn't stopped them about six months ago my ex partner was frightened by a certain person you know the ones who had jumped the side fence and was watching her through the window getting changed it was reported nothing happened"

Robert Matthew's - 30-December-2022

"Local hoons are just getting out of hand graffiting everything in site. (Walls, cars, Nothing is getting done to curb the crime in the area. Local police don't do a dam thing. To busy drinking coffee all day."

Denis - 30-December-2022

"It's time we make if you do the crime you do the time enough is enough. Build more jails"

Christine - 30-December-2022

"Youth are setting off fireworks in people's driveway, lighting fires in the park, breaking into cars, homes and throwing stones at windows. The list goes on, but there is something every day! The community centre in the area is meant to engage youth, they have just started, so watch that space. Young people need to be engaged, parents are often at work, so they are unsupervised. There is a skill shortage, young people can get a TFN at 13, but employers are not willing to employ till 14- 15. Can the government do something to encourage employers to give these young people a go, this may just help keep them busy and responsible."

Natalie - 30-December-2022

"Nothing had happened to us...yet. But for several years now, I've been to afraid to go out on my mobility scooter to the shops etc. Used to be my greatest pleasure. I'm also worried about my safety in my home."

Heather - 30-December-2022

"24/12/2022- two youth males attempted to enter our house through the front door. They than broke into our car, trashing the inside. We have small children and very concerned. 29/12/2022- we have two young males posing as council workers whipper-snipping the grounds around our community, trying to enter our yards at 7pm, did not cut any grass at all, when approached they where angry and used their whipper snippers as weapons. Disgusting and scary what the outcome could be of both times, all security footage has caught both incidents and it is lucky both did not escalate to be similar to the North Lake incident. Something needs to be done. They need to have punishment. Children can't even play in their yards or house, sleep at night, we need more protection in our community"

Natalie Death - 30-December-2022

"Woke up to a youth on our back deck, my hubby and neighbour gave chase and caught him and waited for the police to arrive. He had also broken into my neighbour car. We never heard another thing about it"

Karen - 30-December-2022

"With recent events we are now locking ourselves in our home. I am triple checking locks on doors. It is distressing to think that repeat offenders are being let out and arming themselves with knives and guns. Judges need to keep these people locked up they do not need to be in half way houses in residential areas putting general law abiding residents at risk especially children. These kids killing a mother do not deserve to be free."

Lyn - 30-December-2022

"Our house was broken into while we were asleep and our car was stolen and lots of personal items including something given to me by my daughter who has been a missing person since 2014. This item is irreplaceable. When they were caught I asked for my item to be returned and they laughed at me. In court they were just let out the door. The justice system is a joke and no one seems to care if we are killed in our homes. Our home is now so fortified that if there is a fire we will most likely be incinerated but at least we are burglar proof. Not much of a trade off is it."

Jeannette - 30-December-2022

"I personally haven't had any problems but everyday I read or hear of others experiences and it's terrifying!! I would like to see change happen in the form of rehabilitation ,education and support after these offenders are released. They have no where to go no support or love and fall back into the same friends and habits. Create more facilities that rehabilitate and change these kids, a farm stay with tough love and hard work and counciling something to work towards thats my thoughts anyway.."

Amanda Brown - 30-December-2022

"Car stolen 3yrs ago. Attempted breakin to my house 1yr ago."

Michael - 30-December-2022

"We have been targeted over 20 x in last 12 months, have many videos to share. Police have been great but we see their utter frustration. I firmly believe my husband or Myself are in serious danger if something is not done"

Anita - 29-December-2022

"Department of Child services needs a full reworking, its job is to protect children who are living in bad, harmfull circumstances. However, if it is the child who is the abuser, doing illegal, harmfully, un lawful actions, then they should be removed and receive no legal help, and be sent to a jail, boys town and the like. I have witnessed my neighbour, and his mates on to many occasions, thinking surely this time, but no, docs show up, basically groom him, and advise him what to say and do, and he is back. Docs is the first thing that needs to change, remove the rights and assistance."

Brett - 29-December-2022

"Please . This problem with juveniles needs to stop, it's getting out of hand, too many people are getting their homes broken into whilst they sleep at night, how are we suppose to feel safe in our own homes, knowing their are juveniles roaming the streets, break & enters, senseless murders of innocent people on numerous occasions, destruction of premises, stealing cars, flouting on media platforms about their crimes, when is the government going to change the laws of juvenile crime. Qld has had enough, We the residents of Qld , should be able to defend ourselves in our own homes, defend our families, from this problem. These juveniles need to be stopped, and they need to be in jail, not in a detention centre, so they let them off with a slap on the wrist, the juveniles that do a crime, they need to do the time in jail. The government don't care, please care, cause it could be one of your kids that are doing these crimes, without you knowing. The government dosent do enough, these juveniles are playing and they know they can get away with bloody murder, talking up to the judges to get what they want, then the judges let them off, cause they feel sorry for them. It's not good enough, if the government dosent do anything, what's to say people will take it in their own hands and stop these juveniles, cause that is what is going to happen, if nothing gets done, if the government dosent change this situation."

Amanda - 29-December-2022

"On the 15th November 2022 I came home from picking my two youngest children up from school to find we had been broken into. I rang 000 as I am on 20 acres and didn’t know if they were still on my property. After being on hold waiting for the police to answer for some time I was told they would transfer me to Policelink. Policelink sent me a link to fill in an online form. No one came out to my property to check even though I was very scared and expressed my concerns. These youths had ransacked my house and stole all my jewellery, watches, bags and cash. For the next 4 days I had to have my parents come and stay with me during the day as I was too scared to stay home alone. I didn’t want to be at home but I also didn’t want to be out , this a$&@holes had been in my house had seen my family photos I didn’t know when out if they were there looking at me knowing they had been in my house. I still don’t sleep well even after 6 weeks. We now have security alarms and cameras but my house that used to be my home, my safe place no longer feels that way. I now suffer with anxiety. This is not fair that we are made to feel this way in our own homes. These kids no that they will get away with it, they have no consequences for their actions. They need to be rehabilitated not just a slap on the wrist and put back in the community, of course they will do it again! I’m sick of feeling so unsafe in our community, I’m scared to let my almost 16 year old out, I don’t like him catching trains if he does he has to catch it early before the trouble makers are awake. This is not right!!! We should be able to live our lives and feel safe. Something needs to be done NOW!!!!"

Debbie - 29-December-2022

"My friend Jenny who lives down the road from us had a few unwanted visitors in her carport and at her husbands car they noticed the camera and took off I reckon the youngest was around 6 or 7 and she has a video of them coming into her back area and then checking her car"

Lisa Campbell - 29-December-2022

"As a parent of a teen that was heading down this path a few years ago.....recognising it early and screaming out to authorities for help....it became clear to me that there is no help for parents and these teens going down the wrong path. They learn pretty quickly that they only get a slap on the hand with no real consequences time after time. I was lucky enough to move my son to a different location to move him away from his bad influences to stop that path of destruction. Unfortunately that can't be the answer and shouldn't be the answer for every family and their teen. Authorities need to step up and provide harsh, REAL consequences for these teens that do wrong!!!"

Jen - 29-December-2022

"My car was stolen last week."

John - 29-December-2022

"I live in a small aged care complex. About three weeks ago a male broke into the home of a 93 year old resident who is unwell. She woke and thought it was her carer at her bedside. He got away with her handbag that contained cards and cash. There have been attempted break-ins since. It seems quite common in this area."

Lynne - 29-December-2022

"3 kids broke into house, stole our car & smashed up my sons car. All were caught. All we’re on bail, went to court & given bail again. The courts pay no respect to the victims. Their too worried about the bad press by locking kids up. It’s disturbing how the government offers no support for hardworking families impacted by these crimes. Juvenile crime has to be addressed but at moment we don’t have any real leaders in government prepared to make hard decisions. They are soft on crime."

Helen - 29-December-2022

"2x15yr old boys & 1x 19yr old girl broke into house& stole my car from garage. They were caught by Police 3 days later & car was a right off. 1 x15yr was on bail & repeat offender. He went to court & was given bail again. The other 15yr old was given a caution. 19yr girl went to court & given bail. Government has to get tough with these kids before community takes the law into their own hands. What’s going on is not acceptable."

John Thomas - 29-December-2022

"there has been many cars broken into and a unit entered from a stolen garage remote our complex is sovereign garden villas"

paul - 29-December-2022

"Dear Minister, All we ask is for you and others in such MP positions to do your job. Please take urgent action on youth crime, not just in Carrara, Nerang, Highland Park but all over Queensland. We all pay taxes part of which employees people as yourself, which requires you to support the people you represent - lots of people are feeling let down. I'm a Veteran from an other country, living in this fine land, me, my family and others in our community feel unsafe - look whats happened over the Christmas period 2022. We have a house around the corner that has over 25 visits from the police in a 18 month period (Crime Map) WTH why is this still happening The police are hard working doing there best yet the judges and MP's are letting the side down with the laws and regulations, please don't get the nickname of "lantern" - very bright but needs to be carried. Move forward and stand up for the people you are a voice for, in our community who are scared, yes scared, we are too frightened to say anything to these youth offenders if confronted, scared to go to the mall, scared to put the rubbish out after dark. I don't want to be flown home to my home country in a box because some MP or Judge hasn't done their job to protect us. Finally MP's are doing nothing to help these youth by letting them out on Bail, not having to be held accountable for their actions. What will Australia look like in 10 years?"

Dave - 27-December-2022

"My uninsured car was stolen, and written off, by 3 x 14 year olds. They broke into my unit and took the car for a Joy ride with the police chasing them. The thrives ruined the car, the only undamaged part was the rear bumper. I wasn't allowed to go to court because I would have been intimidating them....."

Cathy - 24-December-2022

"We were broken into while at home asleep with our three children on the 31st of October 2022. My children are still suffering as a result as are we. This is not good enough!"

Rose - 23-December-2022

"We found a young man in our garage having a good look around when confronted although Big enough to do me 75 year old serious damage he bolted and disappeared into Talara primary school."

Gregory - 23-December-2022

"Dear Minister Miles, Everyday I read on social media about no-gooders wandering around our neighbourhood at night. Then I read of cars or bikes having been stolen... it’s almost feeling like I don’t wish to live here anymore BUT then I ask why isn’t our government taking any action to restore normality in our area? The justice system needs a huge upgrade to prevent just a slap on the hand of offenders... Minister Miles, why aren’t you reacting to stop this destruction of our area?"

Paul - 23-December-2022

"Neighbours had their house ransacked while their kids slept Both vehicles stolen Thieves caught only to be released by the courts Almost every house on our street has being broken into What are politicians doing about this?"

Asiak - 23-December-2022

"We are farmers who try to diversify our interests and have a commercial herd of goats. Last week we had people trespass onto our land, herd up the goats in their paddock and steal a three week old baby kid. I was notified that there were people acting suspiciously and went to the area. I caught them with the baby goat in their car off our property. Despite the witnesses making police statements about them herding and taking the goat and my evidence on video of the goat in their car, The Police said it would have been better if I had let them leave with the goat in their vehicle. Police and Prosecutors will not charge them with theft or trespass. I am left with the feeling of helplessness that anyone can steal our property and livestock and impact our livelihood and get away with no penalties. We have now installed $12,000 worth of CCTV to try and protect our property but I doubt whether the Police won't even do their job even if we have footage."

Kylie Sibson - 22-December-2022

"My son had 2 bikes stolen out of the back yard a few weeks ago ☹"

Patti - 21-December-2022

"Youths broke into my daughters unit in Townsville while they were asleep and stole a car and it was written off. It cost them 5000 dollars to have locks changed another car locks and key changed. My daughter has to buy another car and has to wait 4 months for it to arrive. My daughter has to travel 45km to school and 45km home each day at her expense. Lucky that the offenders were bored and let back out the next day, so lucky"

SHANE - 21-December-2022

"I have had to pay $7k in security just to feel safe in my own home. Youths are breaking in stealing keys to cars and injuring the elderly . The police can't do anything, it's the law that needs to change! Stop sending them to the detention centres just to reward them with play stations and McDonald's. Put these kids to work on a detention farm. I am sick of wondering if a stolen car is going to hit me as I drive about my day. Sort it out before the public tries to. The blood will be on the governments hands. Enough is enough!"

Karen - 21-December-2022

"Theft from cars, only money, seems to be younger people"

Ricky - 21-December-2022

"I live in FBQ. I'm 70 years old and my home has been broken into 4 times. Police catch these kids but the courts set them free..now every noise in the night creates fear and anxiety. Kids are always repeat offenders and they know they are untouchable. Thank uou"

Jenny - 21-December-2022
What you can do if the worst happens

What if my keys are stolen from my home?

It's a nightmare scenario: You come home from work or errands to find that your front door has been forced open, and your keys are gone. Your first instinct might be to panic, but it's important to stay calm and take stock of the situation. Here are a few things you should do if your keys are stolen from your home.

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What to do if my dog is stolen?

It's every pet owner's nightmare: coming home to an empty house, with no sign of your furry friend anywhere. If your dog has been stolen, don't despair – there are a number of steps you can take to increase the chances of being reunited.

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Will the premiere act on the spike in Break-ins?

Homeowners in Queensland are on high alert after a recent spate of break-ins across the state. In the past month alone, there have been over 200 reported break-ins, with many more undoubtedly going unreported. So why are these crimes on the rise? And what can be done to stop them?

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